
Monday, February 23, 2015

Achieving a Decade of Sobriety without Alcoholics Anonymous or The Disease Myth

I have not had a drop of alcohol in ten years and I never will because I will never satisfy all the people that benefit and profit from my choosing to drink again and I am more powerful than the 90% that do fail. 

Ultimately, the only person that will dictate the success of my sobriety is me and I am not diseased. If you think you are. I feel sorry for you. If you find some comfort in the way I have achieved sobriety for a decade, contact me and I will help anyone who asks by setting you free on your own journey.

Ten years sober and ten years wiser. Wiser only because I have learned Quite a bit about myself and others. I have also expanded my understanding of Alcholoics Anonymous and The Disease Myth of Alcoholism.
I think the most important thing to understanding about this Blog entry is to understand that AA is not the only way to achieve sobriety and in my opinion its a failure for most and the statistics back this opinion.

Check this out:

The essence of AA's approach is the 12 step program to abstinence. An alcoholic who follows the steps begins with the admission of an inability to control his drinking, a readiness to review his own shortcomings, and a willingness to make amends toward others whom he's hurt by his actions. Instead of promising to stop forever, alcoholics commit to living one day at a time without drinking. Nothing is required for membership beyond a commitment to stop drinking.

What if your decided that:

The essence of your sobriety is the choice not to drink. Yes abstinence. You had a  terrible habit and now it is over.

  1.  However, there are no steps and you begin by admitting that you have the power alone to control your drinking by focusing on the innate power of your human spirit and brain to control your drinking.
  2.  Instead of reviewing your shortcomings, you reinvest in all of your powerful traits and even discover some new ones to replace the time you spent drinking. You activate your mind, body, and spirit in a way that allows you to reinvent your life.
  3. You are absolutely not concerned with spending any amount of time making amends for the people you hurt because that takes time away from focusing on yourself. You can't be anything to anyone until you learn how to rediscover the majesty and importance of yourself.. Once you can confidently look in the mirror and know you are whole and powerful, then make your apologies but yesterday will never change and the people that really matter willbe happy that you are better than ever rather than harping on your mistakes. Other people's hurt feelings should be your last concern.
  4.  Instead of living one day at a time, you set goals for yourself that have nothing to do with alcohol and then by virtue of that you achieve greatness. 
  5. You absolutely must promise your self that you are quitting forever and if you fail, than so what, you get off your ass, examine why you failed and keep going towards your goals outside of what was once a terrible habit, not a disease.

Alcoholics anonymous Assumes the "Disease Myth". This means that you are taught that you have no control over your "disease" so you need submit yourself to the notion that you are powerless of your choice to drink or not to drink. This thinking gives you an out. It gives you the opportunity to believe that it's okay to drink again because you can hit the "reset" button and there will be another group of co-dependent people ready to embrace your failure and promise you a new day after you hand in your chips.

If you believe you have a disease, like cancer or MS, or CF, or something else that has you ina fight for your life everyday than you will believe that you should be expected to fall. You should be expected to fail and should be expected to get up to fight another day.

If you believe that you had a habit that you started and that you have purposefully decided to end that habit by not doing it again, than you have made a choice. Assuming that you are properly detoxed and that you have not harmed your liver or destroyed some other organ like your pancreas through pacreatitis, than no one will ever know you had an alcohol issue unless you tell them.

Let me say this loud and clear. If you stop drinking and never drink again, than no doctor in the world will ever be able to run a test on you and say," wow your alcoholism is really getting better or it's coming back, or it looks bad. Why? Alcoholism is only a disease because the American Medical Association decided to call it a disease to satisfy the billions of weak human being that need an excuse to to fail and continue to drink.

One last thing, 90% of alcoholics fail or relapse within their first 4 months of sobriety. that statistic supported by the American medical Association, Doctors, Alcoholics Anonymous, and every other "support" group and professional association should be your ally not your crutch.

The American Medical association, Alcoholics Anonymous, Bars, nightclubs, liquor stores, psychologists, doctors, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, drug manufacturers, alcohol distributors and other drunks all benefit from you failing because that will reinforce their core belief in the disease myth.

I have not had a drop of alcohol in ten years and I never will because I will never satisfy all the people that benefit and profit from my choosing to drink again and I am more powerful than the 90% that do fail. Ultimately, the only person that will dictate the success of my sobriety is me and I am not diseased. If you think you are. I feel sorry for you. If you find some comfort in the way I have achieved sobriety for a decade, contact me and I will help anyone who asks by setting you free on your own journey.


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