
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Even LinkedIn is weighing in on Drinking!

Drinking study

I am approaching another year of sobriety in February. Over the course of the last decade I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and I reversed that little gem. Yes, I am not on any pills or insulin much to the dismay of my doctors, the pharmaceutical companies, and the AMA.

I have held the same position for more than a decade now and I will hold that position until I die. Alcoholism is not a disease. Diabetes is a disease. I developed Diabetes and chronic pancreatitis from drinking too much. I can't do anything to stop the progression of my deteriorating pancreas but I have effectively "reversed" the effects of what my deteriorating pancreas has done to my body.

It was really difficult actually. However, I did it. I got up off my lazy ass and lost 55 pounds through diet and exercise by developing my own sustained fitness model. sustained fitness means that I can maintain this fitness model and its exercises until there comes a time when I can no longer run and lift weights moderately. Type 2 Diabetes is a disease. If you choose to do something about it, you can effectively manage it for the duration of your life but it is a physical abnormality of your pancreas.

Alcoholism is a choice. You choose to drink too much and then your body becomes physically addicted to the effects of alcohol. Your brain chemistry also becomes addicted to alcohol's effects.If you choose to get detoxed and never drink again, you can effectively stop drinking and live a normal life. If you have not done  damage to your liver or other organs, no one will ever know that you had a drinking problem.

Bottom line is and always will be: Alcoholism is not a disease.

No matter how much the AMA, doctors, pharmaceutical companies and most notoriously the cult of AA want you to believe that you are powerless over alcohol, you are not. society wants you to believe that you have a disease and  that you will constantly be in recovery from, this disease so that you have an excuse for your behavior.

If you consider all of the money that rehabilitation centers get that are really spawned out of the disease mentality and the AA crutch, people are spending a life savings keeping these places rich. Liquor stores are on every corner and getting wasted is how we celebrate our life. Very strange? I stopped making excuses and took ownership of my life, my choices and my disease. I'll go to any length to help anyone who asks me so that they can do the same. However, society calls alcoholism a disease and therefore it gives most people an excuse. Type 2 Diabetes is a disease and I could have just stayed on pills and or insulin but I chose not to. Fascinating right? It's because I truly believe misery loves company and that the average person loves excuses and crutches instead of solutions. I'm not the average person. Are you?

After walking out of AA more than a decade ago, I took ownership of my drinking issues after 15 years of near death experiences, jail, and car wrecks. I have had some major events take place in my life but yet I have never had a single drop of alcohol. I will experience even more major events that could be considered triggers. However instead of having to give up my AA chips, call my sponsor, or rely on a higher power, I have something much more powerful guiding my life.

This is my choice. I am not diseased and I don't need a higher power or another drunk to keep me from destroying my life by making a poor choice. Alcoholism a choice. Type diabetes is a disease. I own both of these.

I am managing my choices and my disease by turning to the one power that will always be there no matter what:


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